Team / Persons

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The Very Rev. Joachim Lenz


Since 2022 Propst Joachim Lenz is pastor at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in the Old City of Jerusalem. As Representative of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD)  he stands for three foundations of the EKD in the Holy Land.

Joachim Lenz ist Pastor of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland, EKiR). Er had been working as pastor in congregations in the rural Mosel area, as pastor of the German Protestant Kirchentag and as Director of Berlin City Mission.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dieter Vieweger

Director of the GPIA

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dieter Vieweger has been the Director of the GPIA since 2005 and, together with the Provost, is the head of the German-speaking institutions in Jerusalem. Prof. Vieweger is the current incumbent of the Chair of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology at the Theological College of Wuppertal and also holds a research professorship in archaeology and ancient history at the private University of Witten/Herdecke. In Jerusalem, he is responsible not only for archaeological work but also for the educational work of the Protestant institutions. Together with Dr. Jutta Häser (Amman), he is in charge of the Gadara Region Project and is responsible for making the excavations under the Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem accessible for tourists. Prof. Vieweger is commissioned to preach at the Church of the Redeemer.

Barbara-Anne Podborny

Commercial director

Barbara-Anne Podborny took on the role of commercial director of the Protestant institutions in Jerusalem in September 2015.

She is the person to contact for matters relating to budgeting, personnel, facility management and the guesthouse.

Katharina Schmidt

Director of the GPIA in Amman

Pfarrerin Ines Fischer

Director of the Auguste Victoria Evangelical Pilgrimage and Meeting Centre

Seit September 2023 lebt und arbeitet Pfarrerin Ines Fischer auf dem Ölberg an der Himmelfahrtkirche. Sie verantwortet als zweite Pfarrerin in Jerusalem den Arbeitsbereich Touristen- und Pilgerseelsorge. Als Gemeindepfarrerin ist sie ausserdem für die Organisation der Gemeindeabende und für die Arbeit mit Familien verantwortlich. Ines Fischer kommt aus der Württembergischen Landeskirche und war bis 2023 in Reutlingen als Prälaturpfarrerin für die Bereiche Flucht und Migration tätig.

Pastor Dr. Melanie Mordhorst-Mayer

Director of the study programme “Study in Israel”

Pastor Dr. Melanie Mordhorst-Mayer has been the third pastor of Evangelical in Jerusalem since March 2016. She is mainly in charge of the “Study in Israel” programme. She teaches and provides support for theology students at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem besides organising and directing academic lectures, block seminars and excursions. The theologian also looks after pastors who come to Jerusalem for refresher courses.

Kantor Peter-Michael Seifried


Peter-Michael Seifried liebt es, gemeinsame Musik mit vielen Menschen in Gottesdiensten, im Chor, in Gemeindegruppen und der Ökumene zu erleben. In der Orgelstadt Jüterbog hat er als Kreiskantor im Süden Berlins eine umfangreiche kirchenmusikalische Bildungsarbeit aufgebaut. Abendgottesdienste, Taizeandachten – und die CD „ Cantorial highlights of the Synagogue“ waren Höhepunkte seines Wirkens  am Dom zu Berlin. TV-Produktionen, Musik mit Kindern, Konzerte mit Musik aus den drei abrahamitischen Religionen waren ihm wichtige Anliegen – und nun freut er sich, seit August 2021 in der Erlöserkirchengemeinde leben und arbeiten zu können.

Bilhan Rechtman ​


Bilhan Rechtman works in the office of the German-speaking community; her responsibilities include external events, address management and the production of the service sheets.

Sabine Hamdan


Sabine Hamdan is largely responsible for the Foundation's administrative affairs. She is also the accountant for the community and the Evangelical Jerusalem Foundation. What's more, she is the person to contact if you wish to hire our rooms.

Jutta Häser

Sekretariat in Amman

Jutta Häser is the secretary for the community in Amman. She can be contacted at, not only for community matters but also to respond to queries from pilgrims and tourists.

Facility Management

Yacoub Khoury is the caretaker at the Church of the Redeemer. He and his team, which includes Mohammed, Jonny and Ashraf, are responsible for the cleaning, repair and technical maintenance of various buildings in the Old City.

George Mubarak is the caretaker at the Church of the Ascension.

Maher Mushasha is the technician at the GPIA Jerusalem


An Tor und Tür empfangen Sie

  • Bassam Musallam in der Propstei und
  • Maurice Amer in der Erlöserkirche.

Nariman Kiriaco is responsible for bookings at the Lutheran Guesthouse.


Die Volos an der Erlöserkirche und auf dem Ölberg helfen bei der Organisation unserer Veranstaltungen, wirken bei Andachten und Kindergottesdiensten mit, versehen Küsterei- und Rezeptionsdienste und unterstützen das Mitarbeiter*innenteam in vielen Bereichen.

  • At the Church of the Redeemer: N.N.
  • At the GPIA: N.N.
  • At the Church of the Ascension: N.N.