Das Ökumenische Institut Tantur in Jerusalem ist seit einem halben Jahrhundert an der Arbeit — gemeinsam mit vielen Partnerinnen und Partnern aus unterschiedlichen Kirchen und aus dem Judentum.
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In der Festwoche besuchen sie freitags auch uns. Herzlich willkommen!
Das Festprogramm im Oktober 2022:

Monday, October 10
- 9:30-11:30 Oriental Churches in Jerusalem, Fr. Frans Bouwen
- 14:00-16:00 Ecumenism in the Holy Land, Fr. Frans Bouwen
- 16:30 Opening Ceremony: Welcoming address, keynote talks, social followed by dinner, and entertainment.
Tuesday, October 11
- 9:00-12:00 Visitation with the Coptics and the Syriacs
- 17:30 Taizé Prayer in Tantur’s Chapel
- 19:00 Tuesday at Tantur Lecture: Fr. David Neuhaus, sj.
Wednesday, October 12
- 11:00-16:00 Visitation with the Greek Orthodox and the Armenians
- 15:00 Armenian Vespers at St James Cathedral
- 17:30 Taizé Prayer in Tantur’s Chapel
Thursday, October 13
- 7:30-15:00 Judean Desert Excursion
- 16:30 Ecumenical Prayer Service, followed by Concert and Cultural Events
Friday, October 14
- 9:00-15:00 Visitation with the Lutherans, the Latins and the Melkites
- 17:00 Taizé Prayer in Tantur’s Chapel